This module introduced you to Post-decision phase. In this module you learned about the Decision-making phase. The key summary points include:
Select each item for more information.
The prime focus of the Post-decision phase of the impact assessment process is to ensure compliance with the conditions set out in the Decision Statement. This is achieved by the Agency through compliance promotion, and enforcement if necessary. The proponent is responsible for implementing the conditions included in the Decision Statement, which include mitigation measures and follow-up program requirements.
During the Post-decision phase, the proponent: 1. Seeks regulatory approvals, as required; 2. Begins project within time limits identified in the Decision Statement; 3. Implements the follow-up program; and 4. Complies with conditions associated with Decision Statement.
During the Post-decision phase, the Agency: 1. Posts follow-up documentation on the Registry; 2. May establish monitoring committees; and 3. Promotes, educates, monitors, and facilitates compliance.
The objectives for the Post-decision phase encompass follow-up, mitigation, enforcement and compliance as well as providing opportunities for public and Indigenous participation in post decision activities.
For the Post-decision phase: 1. Timing is project-specific; and 2. Compliance and enforcement efforts are ongoing.
The purpose of the follow-up program is to: 1. Verify the accuracy of the effects assessment laid out in the Impact Assessment Report; and 2. Evaluate the effectiveness of mitigation measures.
The purpose of compliance and enforcement activities is to facilitate compliance through actions that prevent, identify or correct non-compliance while promoting a consistent and transparent approach to compliance with, and enforcement of, the IAA.
The Minister has the authority to amend a Decision Statement. For some projects, the Minister may: 1. Add,remove or amend a condition; or 2. Modify the designated project’s description.
The participants that have responsibilities throughout the Post-decision phase: The proponent, the Agency, Indigenous groups, the federal authorities, and the public.