Welcome to the Overview of the Impact Assessment Act online training course
The intent of the e-Learning course Overview of the Impact Assessment Act is to improve awareness and provide a common knowledge and base of skills in impact assessments.
This course contains 6 modules and a final quiz. Each module is designed to flow from one to the next, each building on material of the previous module. Use the Next button in the bottom right of the page to progress sequentially.
Select each heading to review the descriptions for each module.
Module 1: Overview of the Impact Assessment Act
This module will provide you with an overview of the Impact Assessment Act (IAA).
Module 2: Impact Assessment Process, Phase 1 – Planning
This module will provide you with more detail on the Planning phase, including actions required of participants, sequence of tasks, and factors for consideration.
Module 3: Impact Assessment Process, Phase 2 – Impact Statement
This module will provide you with information on the Impact Statement phase, including steps, responsibilities, and requirements.
Module 4: Impact Assessment Process, Phase 3 – Impact Assessment
This module will provide you with information on the processes and responsibilities associated with the Impact Assessment phase.
Module 5: Impact Assessment Process, Phase 4 – Decision-making
This module will provide you with information on the Decision-making phase, including steps, responsibilities, and requirements.
Module 6: Impact Assessment Process, Phase 5 – Post-decision
This module will provide you with information on the processes and responsibilities associated with the Post-decision phase.
Final Quiz
Your final quiz consists of 15 questions.
Who is this course for?
The e-Learning course Overview of the Impact Assessment Act will be offered to the federal government, Indigenous peoples, proponents, consultants, and the public involved or interested in federal impact assessments.