Phase 5 — Post-decision

At the end of the Decision-making phase (Phase 4), the Minister issues a Decision Statement which the Agency posts on the Registry. This marks the transition to the Post-decision phase. This is also the time when proponents can seek regulatory approvals from lifecycle regulators or federal authorities, as appropriate. When regulatory approvals are required, lifecycle regulators or federal authorities will lead Crown consultations.

Throughout the Post-decision phase, the proponent:

There are two activity streams in this phase: mitigation and follow-up activities; and compliance activities and enforcement actions.

The proponent is responsible for implementing the mitigation measures and follow-up program activities set out in the Decision Statement conditions. The Agency will post follow-up information provided by a proponent on the Registry. The Agency may also establish monitoring committees for matters related to the implementation of follow-up programs and adaptive management plans.

Compliance activities include promotion (including education) and verification (inspection, monitoring and follow-up) to facilitate a proponent’s compliance with Decision Statement conditions. Enforcement actions may be taken to correct incidents of non-compliance.

After the Minister issues the Decision Statement, the proponent and Agency must:

Select each item below for more information.

Key Steps and Timelines

Proponent Agency
Variable Timeline

Glossary: Conditions, Decision Statement, Follow-up Program, Registry