Activity – Roles and Responsibilities (1 of 2)
For each of the following statements: read the question; select your response(s); and select Submit to see if you are correct.
Decide the role/responsibility for each participant:
Role/ responsibility
Reviews the proponent’s Impact Statement to provide views on whether all information and studies outlined in the Tailored Impact Statement Guidelines are included.
Prepares the Impact Statement using the Tailored Impact Statement Guidelines and submits it to the Agency.
Reviews the proponent’s Impact Statement to ensure all information and studies outlined in the Tailored Impact Statement Guidelines are included and to help ensure that Indigenous knowledge, concerns and perspectives are accurately documented.
That is right! The answers are:

- Prepares the Impact Statement using the Tailored Impact Statement Guidelines and submits it to the Agency.

Indigenous Groups
- Reviews the proponent’s Impact Statement to ensure all information and studies outlined in the Tailored Impact Statement Guidelines are included and to help ensure that Indigenous knowledge, concerns and perspectives are accurately documented.

- Reviews the proponent’s Impact Statement to provide views on whether all information and studies outlined in the Tailored Impact Statement Guidelines are included.
Not exactly. The answers are:

- Prepares the Impact Statement using the Tailored Impact Statement Guidelines and submits it to the Agency.

Indigenous Groups
- Reviews the proponent’s Impact Statement to ensure all information and studies outlined in the Tailored Impact Statement Guidelines are included and to help ensure that Indigenous knowledge, concerns and perspectives are accurately documented.

- Reviews the proponent’s Impact Statement to provide views on whether all information and studies outlined in the Tailored Impact Statement Guidelines are included.
Please select a response.