Phase 2 – Impact Statement

In module 2, we learned that, from the time the Initial Project Description is accepted (Day 1), the Agency has a maximum of 180 days to issue and post a Notice of Commencement as well as the Tailored Impact Statement Guidelines, the Cooperation Plan, Indigenous Engagement and Partnership Plan, Public Participation Plan, and Permitting Plan.

After the Agency posts the Notice of Commencement, the proponent prepares an Impact Statement based on the Tailored Impact Statement Guidelines, which set out all the information and studies that are required for the impact assessment. The proponent gathers information through conducting studies and by engaging with Indigenous groups and the public to inform the Impact Statement. The proponent may seek advice from the Agency and federal authorities to better reflect the Guidelines requirements in the Impact Statement.

When completed, the proponent submits the Impact Statement to the Agency. Upon submission:

Select each item below for more information.

Key Steps and Timelines

Consultations and Engagement Continue
2 3 4 5 6
Maximum 3 Years

From the Notice of Commencement, there is a maximum three-year window for the Agency to accept the Impact Statement and to issue the notice indicating that the proponent has provided all the required information and studies. Upon request from the proponent, the Agency may extend the timeline.

On the web: Impact Statement phase

Glossary: Tailored Impact Statement Guidelines

More information about the Impact Statement phase!

During the Impact Statement phase, remember that there will be an emphasis on:

  • Transparency
  • Proponent-led engagement with Indigenous peoples
  • Crown consultation with Indigenous peoples, by the Agency
  • Requirements outlined in the Tailored Impact Statement Guidelines
  • Agency and federal authorities remaining informed and engaged during the development of the Impact Statement