Module 5 Learning Objectives

After completing this module, you will be able to define the processes associated with the Decision-making phase. You will be able to:

Select each item for more information.

Item 1

Identify the prime focus of the Decision-making phase.

Item 2

Identify the key steps in decisions made by the Minister and by the Governor in Council (GIC).

Item 3

Explain the objectives of the Decision-making phase.

Item 4

Differentiate between the timing required of the Minister of Environment and Climate Change and the GIC.

Item 5

Explain what must form the basis of the public interest determination.

Item 6

Differentiate between the responsibilities of the Minister, the GIC, and the Agency.

Item 7

Define what is contained within the Decision Statement issued by the Minister.

Item 8

Describe what happens when the Minister issues the Decision Statement.

Do you remember?

In Module 1, you learned basic information about the impact assessment process. Do you remember the key focus of the Decision-making phase?

Key focus